Closing Remarks


“5 Seconds Left in the Game Clock…”


As years go by, and the more team settings you are put in, you reflect back on your wins and losses. You see the strengths in your wins and determine how you can keep pushing to greatness. Also, your weaknesses on what went wrong, and what you can do better next time. Not only just for wins, your losses as well. The moment the game clock strikes to 0:00, you are in two different mindsets. The end of it all is the most reflective moment of time, as the time duration is over and you’ve put everything on the floor.

Noticing and, being attentive to your physical, technical and mental development, pushes you to become the ideal athlete for yourself. Winning is the mentality. It puts your self-awareness is a position where you respond to the outcome of your efforts. The effort can impact so many external factors, that their influence can affect your performance.

For an example in basketball, imagine being a Division 1 athlete in a sports-driven school, like Duke University. Not only you are the star of the team, you are likely being lottery pick in the NBA draft. For yourself, your work ethic, talent, hard work is what drives to be the best. You have thousands of fans who cheer for you when win, but you don’t perform well or underachieve, the world turns upside down. Fans start booing, your stock value drops, and media rips you apart for being “all hype”. Now it’s a mental game. The moments the world can’t see you, its your team that you practice, workout with that help you become who you are. It builds a family bond and relationship. They lift you, they understand your struggle, and do what they can/best for you to get back on your feet. No selfishness, so you see that there’s a genuine admiration. All members of the team, have no toxic influence in the team and understand what they want the outcome to be at the end of their basketball season… to become the NCAA Basketball Champion.

Sports is much more than being active, and organized sports is much more than being on a team. What you learn individually, and what you learn as a team, makes you translate these skills and strengths into the real world. Everyone likes a competitor, but everyone loves a winner. Being on a team builds upon yourself on a level, only members of a team will understand. Why good, when you can be GREAT!


(leanstrategiesinternational, n.d.)

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